About this site:

I created this website strictly as a nostalgic site. It is meant to be a glimpse of life as it was, "Once Upon A Time" in the old Marion College before it became Indiana Wesleyan University. Maybe in this way we can show our kids and grandkids what it was like at Marion College when we were young. (My grandkids don't think I was ever young.)

1. Please contribute your stories and memories as you remember them for inclusion in this website.

2. Please contribute your class photo to help us remember you as you were.

3. Please contribute the brief story of your life's highlights and accomplishments. These are the "Footsteps" of your life.

4. Please contribute your photos of your life and activities while you were a student here.

5. I am receptive to any suggestions you may have regarding future content of this site.



Disclaimer: This site has no affiliation with the former Marion College of Marion Indiana, which is now known as Indiana Wesleyan University. Visit my alma matter IWU at: